You crawl out of bed with that ugly feeling and you think, “Maybe I should just stay in bed an extra 5 minutes or maybe the rest of the day!”.
You get up, tired and listless, get on with your day but nothing seems to go right and you just can’t seem to get in gear or get anything going and quite frankly, you really have no desire to. So, what do you do? And even if you knew what to do, how do you do it? How do you even get yourself to do it?
We’ve all faced this dilemma at one time or another. HELL, I’ve faced it so often it was almost comical. It wasn’t though. It held me back for soooooooooo many years, it kept me from achieving, really anything of note in my life until I learned how to motivate MYSELF. Looking inside for the motivation needed to do what is required when it is required and to find satisfaction in putting 100% into the things that need to get done, whether they are the things you want to be doing in that moment or not, gets tough every now and then and we need a way to overcome it.
The ability to motivate yourself is one of the most crucial skills you need to have. If you want to make things happen at work, home, and everywhere in between, you need to be able to motivate yourself in an instant. AND STAY MOTIVATED UNTIL WHAT YOU NEED TO GET DONE, GETS DONE!
Let me give you some tips that will get you to the place you need to be to get moving.
1. Sit or stand up straight – This probably the single easiest and most effective thing you can do to change your state of mind and get ready to MOVE. Really, I mean it. Just try it. Notice how you feel when you do this. It’s hard to feel unmotivated isn’t it? I bet you have done this a million times without even realizing it. Think about it and I’m sure you’ll agree.
2. Get leverage on yourself – in physics the bigger the lever the easier it is to move a big object (uuuuufffff, don’t know much about physics, can you tell??). You are a big object with a strong desire NOT to do what you need to do, so we need a big lever to move you to action. Ask yourself what good will come out of you doing what needs to be done? Quickly think about everything that’s in it for you. Be selfish about it, what will you get out of it personally. Remember, the bigger the gain for you personally the easier it will be to get motivated and moving.
3. Do one thing NOW! – This is crucial. To keep the momentum you have just generated, however small it may be, you need to keep it up and make it grow. I don’t care what it is, just do something, anything that will get you started on your task. It doesn’t matter how small it is, just do it. Check your email and respond to someone. Get out your To Do list and go over it. Make a call. Ask someone to for advice. Whatever! Just do something.
4. Finish something – And no I don’t mean finish off that doughnut and Mochalattechino you picked up on the way. Pick something that you know you can get done quickly and relatively easily and get it done and out of the way. This is great one because it sets the stage to get other more difficult things done. And nothing is more motivating than knowing that you can get things done quickly and easily. Great confidence booster!
5. Run away from unmotivating people – If you’re around unmotivating people you will more than likely be unmotivated. Get the hell away from them as fast as you can. They will drain the energy right out of you so fast you won’t know what hit you.
Motivating yourself everyday and keeping that motivation is tough. I know it is. I’ve been there and I know what it takes to get motivated and I use these tips everyday. These tips might sound overly simplistic but they work and they work well to get you going. In the beginning you will need to consciencely work at implementing them in your life but as time goes on they will just happen naturally.
Try them out and give them a chance to work. You’ll be remarkably surprised and motivated.
If after trying these tips out you still find yourself in the funk, drop me an email and I’ll get ya going!!!
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