Motivation or Activation: 3 things you need to know.

Many times we think we’re motivated and other times we just do not . But the truth is that we are always motivated.
I say this because somehow we are always driven towards something (eg pleasure) or trying to get away from something (eg. pain). When you’re hungry, you’re driven to satisfy that hunger, ie. move away from that unpleasant feeling (I know you could be drawn to that lovely tasting cheesecake, but that’s for a another day). Now, we could delve into the motivations of hunger far more but this should do us for today.

Motivation is composed of three components: activation , intensity and persistence. These three things are what keep the motivation up until we reach the target (eg. satisfy hunger). Activation is the thought or feeling (hunger) that drives a person to take action. Intensity is the level of determination (amount of perceived hunger or the level of hunger you give it) that is given to the action that activation began. Persistence is the time, labor, energy, money or anything else that is given to the action for it to come to fruition (to what extent are you willing to go to satisfy hunger). With high levels of these three components, anyone can accomplish almost miraculous things (killing a buffalo to eat with a spear), even when the odds are against them.

However, many times we confuse Motivation and Activation, so I thought I’d give you the following three distinctions that can help us in our day-to-day:

1. The Motivation is what drives us forward and makes us get out of bed in the morning. Whether internal motivation (eat the last piece of pizza before your brother-in-law) or external (that call from your boss at 9:30 am, wondering where the hell you are), one way or another we are always motivated.

2. Motivation and Activation are not the same thing at all! Activation is what you feel when you leave a Bruce Lee film and start doing ninja moves on your little brother when you get home. However, that does not mean that you are motivated to go and learn karate the rest of your life, now does it? No, of course not. You just feel lively at that moment, but it’ll pass. Or maybe not.

3. We can use Activationto fulfill our motivation . And I quote : “Unless affected by some outside force, the tendency of matter is to remain in a stable state of activity: at rest, if at rest and in motion, if in motion.” The laws of physics can also be applied to ourselves, so if you know you are motivated, but can’t seem to get activated, just do something. ANYTHING! Do something to start moving forward.

Go out and do something right now to achieve your goals!


[su_note note_color = “# fdebf6”] Leave me a comment with what motivates or activates you.[/su_note]

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About Eduardo Arellano

Eduardo es Coach Personal/Profesional y Formador con más de 14 añs de experiencia. Nacido y criado en Chicago, en la actualidad Eduardo reside en España donde ha desarrollado sus métodos actuales de formación. Eduardo posee un MBA de la Universidad de Nebrija y un Master en Comercio Internacional de la EOI además del título de Formador de Formadores y varias certificaciones y cualificaciones. Eduardo está muy solicitado tanto en España como en el resto del mundo, colabora con sus clientes para guiarlos en cómo realizar cambios personales o profesionales consiguiendo con rapidez que alcancen objetivos que nunca creyeron posibles. Sus métodos y técnicas permiten estimular el auto-conocimiento, ya sea con un pequeñ cambio en su forma de pensar o con un gran cambio en su carrera profesional o vida personal. Eduardo sirve de guía para conseguir el éxito.
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