Author Archives: Eduardo Arellano
So Many Options: Some Thoughts On Choice
Every minute of every day we are faced with choices. Each decision we make leads us along a new path. The road to our future is determined by the choices we make now! The road we choose appears familiar … Continue reading
TEDx: F— YOU – How To Stop Screwing Yourself Over
Mel Robbins is a married working mother of three, an ivy-educated criminal lawyer, and one of the top career and relationship experts in America. Widely respected for her grab-’em-by-the-collar advice and tough love, Robbins drills through the mental clutter … Continue reading
TEDx: Vendedores De Ilusiones: Los Conoces?
¿Puedes confiar en tu cerebro? Tal vez no tanto como podría pensarse. Prepárate para ponerlo a prueba en esta charla alucinante de Lisandro Carnielli en TEDxRosario.
Focus and Gratitude: How To Get Personal Development To Work For You
There is a lot of information available online about Personal Development. Hell! I write about it tooo! There are a myriad of different, techniques, solutions, tapes, CDs, seminars etc. But have you ever been able to get them to work? … Continue reading
Desarrollo Personal: Como Conseguir Que Funcione
Ni que decir que hay una gran cantidad de información en internet sobre Desarrollo Personal. Hay montones de diferentes técnicas, soluciones, cintas, cds, seminarios, etc. Pero: ¿Has sido capaz de hacerlo funcionar en tu vida? Probablemente no y … Continue reading
Small Changes, Huge Gains: How To Change Your Luck Successfully
It is never too late to become what you might have been.” – GEORGE ELIOT First let me just say that I firmly believe it is never too late to begin again and finally become the person you wanted to … Continue reading
Pequeñs Cambios, Grandes Mejoras: Como Cambiar Tu Suerte
“Nunca es demasiado tarde para convertirse en lo que podría haber sido.”- GEORGE ELLIOT Estoy convencido que nos encontramos con puntos claves en nuestras vidas. Todos llegamos a encrucijadas donde en nuestras vidas llegamos a un determinado umbral … Continue reading
Workplace Motivation: 29 Quotes To Get You Moving At Work
As Mr. Rick Pitino says “The only way to get people to like working hard is to motivate them. Today, people must understand why they’re working hard. Every individual in an organization is motivated by something different.” –Rick Pitino … Continue reading
Motivación En El Tabajo: 29 Frases De Liderazgo
Mahatma Gandhi: T√∫ debes ser el cambio que desea ver en el mundo. Jim Stovall: Tienes que ser consciente de lo que otros están haciendo, aplaudir sus esfuerzos, reconocer sus éxitos y alentarlos en sus actividades. Cuando todos ayudamos … Continue reading
Goal Setting: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
How do you achieve the big goals in your life? You break them up into smaller goals that are easier to reach, that’s how! How do you reach these smaller goals? By breaking them up into action steps, that’s how! … Continue reading