Presentation Tips for Reading and Responding to your Audience


Have you ever been in a presentation where nothing seems to be going right?

You know what I mean… You’re not hitting your marks, you forgot a point or two and worst of all, the audience is falling asleep! Now, all of these problems have solutions but we are going to take a look at some tips to make sure your audience remains with you and inspired.
[service title=”Here are some things to keep your eye on:”][/service]

  • Facial Expressions – do they look interested, are they fixed on you or are they looking everywhere but at you?
  • Tone of voice – what does their tone of voice say? Do they sound agitated or inquisitive?
  • Quiet remarks – are they talking amongst themselves? Are they looking at their mobile?
  • Other subtle cues – are they tapping their pens? Looking down at the floor? Watching TV?

[service title=”How will attendees demonstrate their enthusiasm:”][/service]

  • Asking to try the product
  • Asking Questions – this is by far the best indication
  • Verbal and non-verbal emotional cues

Remember these little tips and you too will be a presentation rock star!

About Eduardo Arellano

Eduardo es Coach Personal/Profesional y Formador con más de 14 añs de experiencia. Nacido y criado en Chicago, en la actualidad Eduardo reside en España donde ha desarrollado sus métodos actuales de formación. Eduardo posee un MBA de la Universidad de Nebrija y un Master en Comercio Internacional de la EOI además del título de Formador de Formadores y varias certificaciones y cualificaciones. Eduardo está muy solicitado tanto en España como en el resto del mundo, colabora con sus clientes para guiarlos en cómo realizar cambios personales o profesionales consiguiendo con rapidez que alcancen objetivos que nunca creyeron posibles. Sus métodos y técnicas permiten estimular el auto-conocimiento, ya sea con un pequeñ cambio en su forma de pensar o con un gran cambio en su carrera profesional o vida personal. Eduardo sirve de guía para conseguir el éxito.
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