Monthly Archives: June 2014
Las 3 Claves del Éxito: Que Necesitas Para Tener Mas
En los √∫ltimos días leí una interesantísima discusión sobre que cualidades eran necesarias para el éxito. Se hablo de varias características, entre ellas: la actitud, perseverancia, paciencia, humildad, etc. En principio estoy de acuerdo que todas estas virtudes pueden formar … Continue reading
Avoiding Stupidity is Easier than Seeking Brilliance
Simon Ramo, a scientist and statistician, wrote a fascinating little book that few people have bothered to read: Extraordinary Tennis Ordinary Players. The book isn‚’ fascinating because I love tennis. I don‚’. In the book Ramo identifies the crucial difference … Continue reading
Findout Who You Really Are: How I Finally Found Who I Am
Hello my name is Monica Rodriguez and my goal by writing¬†these words is to inspire you and make you realize how¬†powerful and magnificent you truly are. If someone had¬†taught me this every time I felt alone, awkward, different,¬†and scared, my … Continue reading
TED Talk: Is religion good or bad? (This is a trick question)
Plenty of good things are done in the name of religion, and plenty of bad things too. But what is religion, exactly ‚Äî is it good or bad, in and of itself? Philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah offers a generous, surprising … Continue reading
What You Don’t Know About Success: My 3 Secrets of Success
Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and others just plain aren’t? Maybe you aren’t as successful as you would like to be and can’t figure out why? Are you missing the secrets of success? Success means different … Continue reading
Lo Que No Conoces Del Éxito: 3 secretos Para Tener Mas Éxito
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué algunas personas parecen que tienen todo el éxito del mundo y otras personas no? Quizá tu no disfrutas de todo el éxito que te gustaría tener y no sabes por qué? Quizá tu … Continue reading
The Eisenhower Matrix: Effective Time Management for Everybody
“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.‚Äù Ok so, I’ve come across this great gem of a time management hack that is really helping me to my act together and my work organized. … Continue reading
El Matrix De Eisenhower: Mas Organización y Mas Productividad
” Lo que es importante es rara vez urgente y lo urgente es rara vez importante. “ Ok, me he encontrado con una gran joya de hack de productividad que realmente me está ayudando a organizarme y organizar todo el … Continue reading