Monthly Archives: August 2014
Destruye Tu Miedo Al Fracaso: Como Tomar Riesgos Y Sobrevivir
Sería un error tratar de evitar todos los errores. De hecho, sería un enorme error intentar hacer las cosas bien a la primera. La √∫nica gente que no cometer errores son los que viven la vida sin riesgo y sin … Continue reading
Kill Your Fear of Failure By Taking More Risks
It’s a mistake to try to avoid each and every mistake. In fact, it’s not a good idea to attempt doing things right the first time, every time. In todays light speed economy, (“new” economy and “old” economy) if … Continue reading
30 Frases Famosas Que Cambiarán Tu Vida
T√∫ debes ser el cambio que deseamos ver en el mundo. Mahatma Gandhi Cuando ya no somos capaces de cambiar una situación, tenemos el reto de cambiar nosotros mismos. Viktor E. Frankl La √∫nica manera de dar sentido a los … Continue reading
30 Famous Quotes That Will Change Your Life
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves. Viktor E. Frankl The only way to make sense … Continue reading
5 Horrible Habits That Are Ruining Your Success
Yes, I’m telling you you have bad habits that are keeping you from getting what you want and living your life the way YOU want. We all have bad habits. Some are relatively harmless but others can really be disastrous … Continue reading
5 Hábitos Horribles Que Te Impiden Tener √âxito
Sí, te estoy diciendo que tienes malos hábitos que te impiden conseguir el éxito que te mereces y que te impiden vivir la vida a tu manera. Todos tenemos malos hábitos. Algunos son relativamente inofensivas, pero otros pueden ser realmente … Continue reading
31 No-Brainer Ways to Challenge Yourself Every Day
Read the original article by Sarah Lipoff 6/24/14 here. Staying fit means more than just hitting the gym. For a well-rounded approach to wellness, we partnered with Target C9 to bring you an entire month of easy ways to … Continue reading
Deskercise! 33 Smart Ways to Exercise at Work
Read the original article by Emily Milam here. By Emily Milam May 28, 2014 Remember the days when “work”meant manual labor with a side of blood, sweat, and tears? Neither do we. These days it seems we’re more likely to … Continue reading