Author Archives: Eduardo Arellano
Top 5 reasons to set goals: Why you should
How many times have you set out to do something like losing a few extra pounds, quit smoking, make more sales visits at work, arrive onetime, etc, etc, etc … Yeah me too! We all do almost every day … Continue reading
Goal setting: Why it’s so important
Why Goal Setting Is Essential for Success in Life and Business Setting goals is absolutely crucial for getting what you want in your business or your personal life. There really is no other way to produce change that lasts. If … Continue reading
What is Coaching: and what it can do for you
So, I’m sure you have been hearing loads and loads about life coaching (life coach??? huh?), executive coaching, performance coaching, and coaching, coaching, coaching. But what do you really know what it is and what it is for? What it … Continue reading
Que es el Coaching: Y como me puede ayudar?
Bueno, estoy seguro que ha escuchando bastante sobre el coaching de vida, coaching ejecutivo, coaching de rendimiento, y el coaching, coaching,¬† coaching. Pero, ¿realmente sabes lo que es y para qué sirve? ¿Qué puede hacer un buen coach para … Continue reading
Motivation and Change: How to face change and get unstuck
[su_quote cite=”Viktor Frankl” url=””]When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.[/su_quote] [su_quote cite=”Winston Churchill” url=””]To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.[/su_quote] Making a change in … Continue reading
Motivación y Cambio: Como salir de la rutina
[su_quote cite=”Winston Churchill” url=””] Mejorar es cambiar; ser perfecto es cambiar a menudo.[/su_quote] [su_quote cite=”Viktor Frankl” url=””]Cuando ya no somos capaces de cambiar una situación, tenemos el reto de cambiarnos a nosotros mismos. [/su_quote] Hacer un cambio en nuestra … Continue reading
Motivation or Activation: 3 things you need to know.
Many times we think we’re motivated and other times we just do not . But the truth is that we are always motivated. I say this because somehow we are always driven towards something (eg pleasure) or trying to get … Continue reading
Que diferencia hay entre el Coaching y el Mentoring: Como elegir lo mejor para ti
Estas navidades, disfrutando de buena compania, estupenda comida y abundante vino, tuve una conversación interesante con mi buen amigo Miguel Martinez, sobre que es el coaching. Al final terminó en cual era la diferencia entre el Coaching y el Mentoring. … Continue reading