Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Trader

Here is a great article about emotions and trading the markets. There are a lot of lessons to be learned here!!


-Why Emotions Get Shunned By Traders

-A Better Way to Look at Emotions

-Applying Your Emotions to FX Trading Appropriately

“Instead of hoping he must fear and instead of fearing he must hope.He must fear that his loss may develop into a much bigger loss, and hope that his profit may become a big profit.‚Äù

Jesse Livermore

We’re only in it for the money. That key trading concept is obvious but shouldn‚’ be forgotten. The reason why this mantra is key is because we’re not into trading for the following reasons:

-To Beat the Market

-To Show People How Smart You Are

-To Feel Excitement through use of Aggressive Leverage

Check it out the article here

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The Pomodoro Technique: More Free Time And Less Fried Tomatoes

Who doesn’t want more free time, Right?

NOT YOUUUUU? Then stop reading right now and get back to work!

Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend of mine on performance and personal productivity. Both of us have a lot in common although we are in two vastly different professions. We both work a lot, we both try to take on way more than we should and we both usually get ourselves in deeper than we should.

So while having a chat, we realized that our personal performance was plummeting despite devoting ever more hours to the thousands of tasks we had going all at once. I’ve seen it coming for some time now and have, back a few months, implemented a time management technique that is helping me get back to being productive again, freeing up valuable time throughout my day.

What could be better than that?

Now, I’m not going to explain the exact technique but a smaller version I am using right now to finish this post in record time!

Welcome to the Pomodoro Technique (tomato in Italian).

I promise this will be quick , easy and fun !

Find More Time Today

[su_service title=”1. Create a list of what you have to do today” icon=”icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]
In 5 minutes WRITE DOWN everything you should do today. No matter the order or importance. What matters is to actually write out the list. [/su_service]

[su_service title=”2. Prioritize the most important things to FINNISH today” icon=”icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]
What is the most important thing on that list? Can you finish today? If not, what do you have to do to advance as much as possible with this task? [/su_service]

[su_service title=”3. Bust out your cell phone and open the clock app” icon=”icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]
Do I really need to explain this? Just do it! [/su_service]

[su_service title=”4. Create a 25 minnute countdown” icon=”icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]
This is the most important thing. Get that 25 minute into a countdown. This will be your first block of time and probably the most painful. [/su_service]

[su_service title=”5. Start working, UNINTERRUPTED until the time runs out.” icon=”icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]
Work without any interruptions or distractions.
NO Facbook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc: Do I really need to explain?
NO email: The e-mail that has just come in can wait 25 minutes
NO calls: Don’t answer that ring. And don’t look to see who it was either. [/su_service]

[su_service title=”6. After 25 minutes, rest 5 -10 minutes” icon=”icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]
Create another countdown for the rest period. The downtime is just as important as the uptime. I recommend, get up from your desk and take a walk. Talk to someone. Anything but leave the task for a bit. [/su_service]
[su_service title=”7. Rinse and Repeat until the task is done” icon=”icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]
Or if you´ve finished, pat yourself on the back, rest 5 minutes and start another task. [/su_service]


The hardest part of this is to trust that it works. It DOES WORK! And it’s amazing how well it works! However, you’ll find a thousand excuses for why you can’t so it or to not even try it in the first place. Resist the temptation, try it and you’ll be amazed at what you can get done!

The idea is to focus your mind and your efforts on one thing at a time during one particular block of time. It seems like a lot of work but it’s really not.

It’s much more work having to keep track of all the tasks you did NOT finished when it comes time to go home and then have to deal with them the next day.

Using a technique like this is nothing new. Many of us do it unconsciously.

What is new is to do it consciously and routinely when we are faced with a to do list that goes on forever. As the cliche goes, it’s not about working harder, it’s about working smarter to free up more time that we all need.

So how about my experience with Pomodoro today?

I’ve finished this article, the accompanying newsletter and the Spanish version in 2 and a half hours! !


And the best part is that I have more free time to eat some fried tomatoes!

You still dont’t want more free time ?

Try the Pomodoro technique and let me know how it went.

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Join over 1000 subscribers who receive free personal development tips, in-depth reviews and great articles to move you forward.

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Posted in Productivity, Tips and Tricks | 4 Comments

La Técnica Del Pomodoro: Mas Tiempo Libre y Menos Tomates Fritos

¿Quien no quiere mas tiempo libre?

¿Tu NOOOOO? Pues deja de leer ahora mismo!

Ayer tuve una conversación con un gran amigo mío sobre el rendimiento y la productividad personal. Los dos tenemos mucho en com√∫n aunque nos encontramos en dos profesiones enormemente dispares. Los dos trabajamos muchísimo, intentamos abarcar muchísimo y por lo general nos metemos en muchísimos fregaos.

Nos dimos cuenta que nuestro rendimiento personal estaba cayendo en picado a pesar de estar dedicando horas y horas a miles de tareas a la vez. Yo llevo un tiempo viéndolo venir y desde unos meses he vuelto a implementar una técnica de gestión del tiempo que me esta ayudando a volver a ser productivo de nuevo y ahorrar mucho tiempo a lo largo del dia.

Ahora, no os voy a explicar la técnica entera si no una versión reducida que estoy utilizando en este mismo momento para terminar este post en tiempo record!!!

Bienvenidos a la Técnica del Pomodoro (tomate en Italiano).

Os prometo que esto será rápido, fácil y divertido!


1. Crea una lista de lo que tienes que hacer hoy

En 5 minutos APUNTA todo lo que deberías hacer hoy. Da igual el orden o la importancia ahora. Lo que importa es hacer la lista.


2. Prioriza lo mas importante que tienes que TERMINAR hoy

Bien, que es lo mas importante de esa lista? ¿Los puedes terminar hoy? Si no, ¿que tienes que hacer para avanzar lo máximo posible con esa tarea? APUNTALO!


3. Saca tu móvil y abre el app del reloj

No creo que requiera mas explicación. Hazlo ahora!


4. Pon una cuenta atrás de 25 minutos

Esto es lo mas importante de todo. Marca 25 minutos en una cuanta atrás. Esto va a ser tu primer bloque de tiempo y quizás el mas doloroso.


5. Empieza a trabajar, SIN INTERRUPCIONES hasta que se agote el tiempo.

Trabaja sin interrupciones ni distracciones.
NO Facbook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc: De verdad te lo tengo que explicar?
NO email: Ese correo que acaba de entrar puede esperar 25 minutos
NO llamadas: NO LO COJAS. Ni mires el móvil para ver quien es.
Nothing de Nothing!!!


6. Transcurrido los 25 minutos, descansa 5 -10 minutos

Pon otra cuenta atrás para no pasarte de tiempo. Esto es lo mas importante que tienes que terminar hoy. Yo recomiendo, levantarte de tu mesa de trabajo y darte un paseo. Habla con alguien. Lo que sea pero deja la tarea ese ratito.


7. Repite hasta terminar la tarea.

O si lo has terminado, date una palmadita en la espalda, descansa 5 minutos y empieza otra tarea.

Lo mas difícil de esto es confiar en que funciona. Encontrarás mil excusas de por que no lo puedes hacer o ni si quiera intentar. Resiste el chaparrón y sigue hacia adelante!

La idea es enfocar tu mente y tus esfuerzos en una sola cosa en un bloque de tiempo. Parece mucho trabajo pero no lo es. Es mucho mas trabajo tener que estar pendiente de todas las tareas que NO has terminado cuando llega la hora de irte a casa y luego enfrentarte a ellas al día siguiente. Usar una técnica como esta no es cosa nueva. Muchos lo hacemos de manera inconsciente.

Lo novedoso es hacerlo de manera consciente y habitual cuando nos enfrentamos a una lista de tareas que parece interminable. No se trata de trabajar mas si no de trabajar con cabeza para liberar ese tiempo libre que a todos nos falta.

¿Y mi experiencia hoy? He terminado este articulo, la newsletter que le acompaña y la versión en ingles en 2 horas y media!!!!

Y lo mejor es que tengo mas tiempo libre para comerme unos tomates fritos!!

¿Aun no quieres mas tiempo libre?

Prueba la técnica del Pomodoro y dime que tal os ha ido.

Un saludo a todos.


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√önete a mas de 1000 lectores que reciben mi newsletter de crecimiento y desarrollo personal GRATUITO y avanza en tu vida o negocio como nunca!Suscribete AHORA![/su_note]

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Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation



Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories ‚Äî and maybe, a way This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page.

See the original article here.

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Perfiles para el cambio

Por Montserrat Luquero, Directora General en España de Hudson,compañía española especializada en el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles.


¿Tanto ha cambiado el mundo en los √∫ltimos cinco años que necesitamos buscar diferentes líderes? ¿Se pueden desarrollar nuevas competencias en nuestros líderes que nos permitan hacer frente a las nuevas necesidades? ¿Cuáles serían estas competencias?

Es indudable que atravesamos una época de restructuraciones organizativas, de reducciones de costes, de fusiones o integraciones de empresas, de la instalación de la era digital, etc. En definitiva, nuevas situaciones que requieren cambios que nos proporcionen en algunos casos la supervivencia y, en otros, la b√∫squeda de nuevas formas de desarrollar el negocio. Y sí, los perfiles de los líderes tienen que cambiar. Ya no sirve el “siempre se ha hecho así y funcionaba‚Äù. Ahora, el consumidor o los clientes han cambiado sus necesidades, y hay que respondedles. Por ello, nuestros líderes del momento tienen que ser atrevidos, sin miedo a equivocarse; tienen que aprender a trabajar de otra forma, a dirigir de otra manera. Y además de todo ello, con la fórmula que nos enseñaron nuestros mayores: espíritu de sacrificio y trabajo, trabajo y trabajo.

Para leer el articulo completo, pincha aquí

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√önete a mas de 1000 lectores que reciben mi newsletter de crecimiento y desarrollo personal GRATUITO y avanza en tu vida o negocio como nunca!

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21 Quotes That Will Change the Way You See Education

The moment you become aware of your existence, you start learning. In school, you are confined into a system that you trust will teach everything you should know. But, do you really know what education is or its role in your life? Find out what educators, writers, and philosophers have to say about it.

1. The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. ~Sydney J. Harris

2. When you know better you do better. ~Maya Angelou

Education allows you to see better

tracks1 21 Quotes That Will Change the Way You See Education

When you learn about something, you understand its nature. This leads to awareness and appreciation and these two things govern your actions toward it. The spotlight that you think is pointing at you, becomes a magnifying glass that allows you to see things as they are, turning biases into understanding.

3. A good book is an education of the heart. It enlarges your sense of human possibility what human nature is of what happens in the world. It’s a creator of inwardness. ~Susan Sontag

4. I spent three days a week for 10 years educating myself in the public library, and it’s better than college. ~Ray Bradbury

To read books is to educate oneself

If education makes you aware of things, it also makes you aware about yourself. A single book may be the impetus for understanding the self, its capabilities, weaknesses, and potentials. Despite the existence of classrooms and assignments, taking the initiative to educate the self by reading books is one of the best things you can do.

5. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go. ~Dr. Seuss

Learning brings you to places

When you read books, you learn about the experiences of other people. You learn where they live, how they eat and speak, what their aspirations in life are. You visit the far corners of the world, take part in an adventure to capture the biggest whale, and eat delicious-sounding meals. You also learn about yourself through the heroes of the books you read. Hopefully, these things you learn in a book inspire you to seek your own way to life.

6. You can get all A’s and still flunk life. ~Walker Percy

7. We are students of words: we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and recitation-rooms, for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Having been educated does not mean having learned about life

Compared to what you can learn in your lifetime, school education is nothing. So after graduation, instead of feeling great and ready to conquer the world, feel humble as if you were a freshman once again, ready to be educated by the outside world.

But this time, it’s different. No one tells you what to do or nobody’s instructions make a real bearing to how you live your life. You make more mistakes than you did in school, but you also champion your own battles in life. It is only when you are not guided anymore when you start learning about life.

8. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~Aristotle

Learning aids the gaining of wisdom

Education is not just about learning things or knowing that learning took place while in school. It is mainly about using the knowledge you acquired to make choices – ones that benefit not just yourself but also other people.

9. Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil. ~C.S. Lewis

Education should be guided with values

Ask yourself ‚Äì what is the main purpose of your education? Change it to a question that asks you to reflect inwardly ‚Äì how do you use your education? There may be a subject called “Values Education”or “Conduct”or whatever it’s called in your school and lessons under these subjects talk about how to become better members of the community. However, these lessons can only do so much that’s why many subjects have an “ethics”portion after each topic. And you, as a responsible person, must pay utmost attention to that tiny portion.

10. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. ~John Dewey

11. The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. ~Robert Maynard Hutchins

12. I go to school, but I never learn what I want to know. ~Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Learning is not confined in school

The best teacher you’ll ever have is life. Going to school is just a phase you need to go through while you’re young, but learning will not end there.

And even while you’re in school, you will receive education from things and people other than your books and professors. Being dumped, losing and gaining friends, volunteering, and failing tests are good teachers. Basically, you learn from making mistakes and achieving goals through hard work.

The challenge for educators, however, is to take on Hutchins’ sentiment on preparing students to continue learning after school.

13. Education is the process of driving a set of prejudices down your throats. ~Martin H. Fischer

14. Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference ~Claire Fagin

Education allows you to become better members of the society

paris 21 Quotes That Will Change the Way You See Education

As we have said before, education turns biases into understanding. By knowing better, you eliminate prejudices and accept the plain fact that people are different from one another. By knowing better, you are equipped with the opportunity to create positive changes, innovate solutions to problems, or influence others to be better as well.

15. Whatever is good to know is difficult to learn. ~Greek Proverb

Learning takes time

There are no shortcuts to learning. It’s a process that takes time and it is when you’ve gone through the process that you can be considered learned. This is why there is a graduate school, a post-graduate school, and practice for the rest of your life because it takes time. If you’re passionate about knowledge, you will be educating yourself all your life. Shortcuts are for the impatient.

16. Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants. ~John W. Gardner

17. Children must be taught how to think, not what to think. ~Margaret Mead

Real education teaches the how, not the what

Have you seen the Bollywood movie 3 Idiots? Remember the scene where a straight-A student delivered a very funny and insulting speech to the school because he memorized it instead of understanding it?

Many think that when you’re good at memorizing things, you’re considered intelligent, not knowing that it’s just a part of the whole deal. Many schools, sadly, spoon-feed students with information rather than influence curiosity that will lead them to find out for themselves.

Advice: If you want to be more inspired about learning, while laughing and maybe crying, watch this film.

18. What does education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free, meandering brook. ~Henry David Thoreau

Education can also interfere with the natural scheme of things

Often times, the more people know, the more complicated lives become that they forget that some things are better left alone. When man learned how to be resourceful, he exploited the environment. Remember that it’s not the knowledge you have, but it’s how you use that knowledge that will lead you to a better life, without affecting other things negatively.

19. Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each. ~Plato

A single-cut system of educating cannot be for all

Education systems were originally created to ensure a whole nation gets educated for it to prosper. They do not, however, ensure the realization of each student’s potential. If you’re an educator, well, hear Plato. And if you’re a student, do not compete or let bad grades weigh you down, but find your own way of learning your teachers’ lessons.

20. Education would be much more effective if its purpose was to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know how much they do not know, and be imbued with a lifelong desire to know it. ~William Haley

21. You’ll never know everything about anything, especially something you love. ~Julia Child

Education does not end

bench 21 Quotes That Will Change the Way You See Education

Wouldn‚’ William Haley’s sentiment allow you to question education systems wherever you are in the world? Does your education, indeed, teach you how to desire acquiring knowledge after your long years in school?

Or, does going to school give you the idea that when it’s over, you never have to subject yourself to the thought of the classroom again? Well, guess what, with each breath you take, you learn. But you make it pleasurable if you don‚’ stop desiring it.

As for Julia Child’s take on learning, I think she’s trying to say that passion allows you to never cease learning.

What do you think?

See the original article here.

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3 Cosas que tienes que hacer para ser mas productivo, AHORA

¿Como puedes trabajar menos y rendir mucho mas? Fácil, Siguiendo estos tres consejos

Muchas veces pensamos que el mero hecho de estar haciendo algo nos hace productivos. Nada mas lejos de la verdad!


[su_service title = “Trabajar Menos – 10 minutos menos” icon =” icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]
Cada 50 minutos (vale, vale cada 110 si estas muy absorbido en lo que estas haciendo), para lo que estas haciendo, estira los brazos y revisa lo que has hecho o estas haciendo y hazte esta pregunta:

“¿Es esto lo mas importante que podría estar haciendo en este momento?”

Si lo es, adelante 50 minutos mas.

Si no lo es, tendrías que dedicar tu, mas que valioso tiempo a lo que es realmente importante para ti y tu empresa.[/su_service]


[su_service title = “No Seas D/Dña Multi-Tarea” icon =” icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″] Una investigación reciente nos dice que todas las distracciones que sufrimos a lo largo del día están reestructurando las conexiones internas de nuestro cerebro y están rebajando nuestro coeficiente intelectual!

Intenta reservar bloques de tiempo donde te enfocas en UNA cosa durante largo periodos de tiempo y SIN distracciones. Esto requiere practica![/su_service]


[su_service title = “Implementa Rituales de Productividad” icon =” icon: lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#082574″]Cuanto mas automatizadas tenemos nuestras tareas, mas productivos podemos ser con menos esfuerzo.

Una forma de automatizar tus tareas es priorizar la mas importante que tienes que terminar cada día, sea cual sea y empieza tu día concentrado en esa tarea. “Obligate a priorizar tus tareas para que sepas que vas a terminar alguna tarea critica en la parte del día que tienes mas energía y menos distracciones.” Tony Schwartz, CEO de The Energy Project[/su_service]

Aprende a enfocar tus esfuerzos en lo que mas importa y verás como tendrás mas tiempo, tu nivel de estrés caerá en picado y te acercarás, a pasos agigantados, a tu objetivo.


Prueba estos consejos esta semana y dime que te parece.

Si no te ha quedado algo claro, no dudes en dejarme un comentario y lo vemos.

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√önete a mas de 1000 lectores que reciben mi newsletter de crecimiento y desarrollo personal GRATUITO y avanza en tu vida o negocio como nunca!Suscribete AHORA![/su_note]

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My Interview With Professional Marketer John Shea


Interview with Eduardo Arellano – Professional Business Coach

Today I present another written interview with Eduardo Arellano. Eduardo is professional in-company trainer and executive coach specializing in leadership, soft-skills and executive skills. He is based in Europe but works internationally for large enterprise and internationally recognized institutions. Check out his site here.

Check out the interview:

1. What got you interested in coaching and training others? Share your story.

Well, my first contact with coaching was way back in 1996/97 with a boss I had back then. He was absolutely great! He wasn‚’ a “certified coach”or anything like that but he used many of the techniques used in coaching just as part of the way he was. He was so completely different from any other manager I had ever had and I learned so much from him, that I wanted to BE like him. And so began a lifetime of research into personal development and personal triumph. And its from that research and experience that I came upon coaching in the early 2000s. I¬† was instantly hooked! And the rest, as they say, is history.

2. What are 2-3 of the most challenging things you find most clients are dealing with when trying to build their brand or business?

Here in Spain more so than anywhere, else the struggle is with limiting beliefs. Now I guess that this is also true for clients in other parts of the world, particularly European clients but more so for the ones here. My clients come to me when things have gotten soooo bad that they can‚’ come up with any more answers or ideas to get their business back on track or to get their startup off to a running start. They fail to see the greatness within themselves and fail to see that they really do have all the answers right inside their heads. They just need to stop thinking that they don‚’.

Another challenge I come across often is “mediocre thinking‚Äù. They just don‚’ think BIG enough or far enough into the future to make their dream (business) come true. One of the biggest parts of my work is getting my clients to visualize the success they really want. And when I say visualize, I mean see it, feel it, breath it, taste it, etc. It never ceases to amaze me how difficult this is for people and the amazing results just this one little step gets. If you think you can or you think you can‚’, your right either way.

Now, I know you might have wanted a bit more “nuts and bolts”challenges but when you begin to dive into what a challenge really is for someone, you realize that it has more to do with their belief system or the way they look at the challenge rather than the challenge itself. I’ve made far more headway with clients by just working them through their limiting beliefs and getting them to SEE success in their heads than with any other approach I’ve tried.

For all the readers out there, just remember this: YOU make your own reality and your business will reflect that reality. Dig deep and question your belief system and let yourself SEE the success you want. A good coach will help you work through this. That’s what we are here for!

3. How do you create awareness for your services? What has been working best for you?

Well, I’ve just started a Youtube Channel, Coach Talk TV, and surprisingly it’s working quite well. I’ve also been quite surprised how well LinkedIn has been working lately. I really struggled with LinkedIn for the longest. I just didn‚’ “get it”but now, for me it’s turning into quite a good source of business. You really do have to get involved, though, in different groups and discussions but once people start to get to know you, opportunities pour in. This last point isn‚’ just for LinkedIn either it’s in general as well. Get out there. Talk to people, even if it’s virtually but you to be in front of people as much as possible. Don‚’ think of how much work it might be but instead think of what it will cost you if you don‚’!

4. What are major changes you have seen after working with your clients, what would be a couple “wins”you could share after working with others?

Well, probably my most satisfying accomplishment recently has been a client who was trying to get a video game ( launched but was struggling to keep the whole project on track. This is great guy with brains and talent but who was getting beat down at every turn and this was really affecting him and his performance. In just a few sessions we got him back on track by setting clear and measurable actions (the goal was already clear) and by working through some of the limiting beliefs he was holding onto. I am pleased to say that the game was launched just a few days ago and only a tiny bit off schedule, which for a project like this is absolutely amazing!

5. What are your future plans for 2014 and beyond?

For 2014 I have set a goal of doubling my coaching “reach”through a unique teleconferencing system that will allow me to help far more people than I would otherwise be able to in person. Keep an eye out for that by signing up to my newsletter ( Also, by the end of 2015 I expect to be a regular on the TEDx circuit with my first talk before the end of this year. This is what I mean by being in front of as many people as you can. Get out there NOW and show people the greatness you have inside and opportunity will FIND YOU!

To get your life or business back on track, Ed can be reached at to schedule one on one coaching sessions.

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Dogchild, la saga de animación que apuesta por las aventuras sin violencia



  • Con capital 100% español, es el fruto del esfuerzo y la ilusión de un grupo de jóvenes creadores comprometidos
  • El juego, en forma de aplicación, se ha presentado a través de las plataformas Google Play y Itunes Store con gran éxito de acogida
  • Los más pequeños podrán desarrollar sus capacidades visuales, aplicar estrategia y aprender valores humanos gracias a esta app que huye de la agresividad


Un chico y su perro luchando contra el mal es el argumento de Dogchild, la primera saga de aventuras con matices educativos y amables que, además, incluye grandes dosis de acción. Con capital 100% español, se ha presentado recientemente la primera versión de aplicación para móviles que también cuenta con un teaser de presentación en HD y una demo para consolas y PCs.

“Dogchild es una historia original, sin copias, que plasma la relación entre sus dos personajes, un chico y su perro, que son el reflejo de los héroes modernos‚Äù. Asegura Darío √Åvalos, creador del videojuego e impulsor del estudio Animatoon Indie Pendent donde se ha desarrollado.

Los artífices de la aplicación han logrado un producto de calidad a base de esfuerzo y dedicación plena, asegurando la diversión a todos los usuarios ‚Äìtanto adultos como niños‚Äì y todo ello sin contar con financiación externa o ayudas económicas de ning√∫n tipo.

Tarpak, que así se llama el protagonista, junto a su perro Tarao, tienen un objetivo: Acabar con toda la maldad y la sinrazón de un mundo lleno de injusticias. “Como si de un s√∫per héroe se tratara, nuestro personaje irá cumpliendo cada misión gracias a la colaboración de su compañero de aventuras y en cada una de ellas, se irá haciendo más fuerte y experto para enfrentarse a retos cada vez más difíciles. A medida que vaya avanzando la historia, irá descubriendo que existe algo más grande que se avecina y deberá detenerlo‚Äù, explica el creador.

Gracias a este juego se incita al usuario a que piense asimétricamente (coordinación entre parte izquierda y parte derecha del cerebro) ya que debe manejar ambos personajes a la vez. Por ello, se amplían los reflejos y la visión periférica y se desarrollan habilidades importantes en el crecimiento de los niños.

Actualmente no existe ning√∫n videojuego pensado para desarrollar dichas habilidades en edades tempranas. Además, el usuario juega partidas cortas e intensas que dotan de rapidez y diversión a la app y todo ello sin que exista ning√∫n tipo de violencia o agresividad.

La aplicación es el fruto de 10 meses de trabajo desde la primera creación del prototipo del juego. Además, tanto el teaser como la demo para PCs tienen detrás medio año de esfuerzo cada uno. “Previamente estuvimos ocho meses preparando el pipe line y quedan a√∫n unos pocos para lanzar el primer tráiler‚Äù, recuerda Darío √Åvalos. Toda una carrera de obstáculos que comenzó en el año 2008 con la primera idea de su creador.

En la actualidad, la app se encuentra en fase inicial de lanzamiento y está siendo un éxito de descargas en ambas plataformas (Itunes y Google Play).

El estudio Animatoon trabaja ya en sus próximos proyectos: “dotar a los personajes de más movimientos y continuar con la saga Dogchild: más capítulos, más niveles, más enemigos y nuevos escenarios estarán a disposición de los usuarios dentro de pocas semanas‚Äù.


Sobre Darío √Åvalos:

Darío √Åvalos es un joven con más de 16 años de experiencia y pasión por el entorno digital y los videojuegos. Ha trabajado varios años como Director de Arte, Diseñador gráfico y web, profesor, marketing y dos Master en de CG.


Demo prototype

Para más información: Continue reading

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The Power of Being Thoughtful and Kind

Want to make a real difference? It’s easier than you think.

My client acquired a large company, and I went along for his initial meetings with his new employees. In the afternoon, he planned a companywide address. But that morning, we met for several hours with top executives.

(Talk about emotions on full display: ego, anxiety, obsequiousness, defensiveness, fear, excitement… When the new sheriff comes to town, the icy-cool corporate masks quickly come off.)

The meeting ended at noon, and when we walked out 15 minutes later, he noticed a sizable buffet set up on the other side of the atrium. There were plenty of people standing around in white coats and black slacks but no one in line or sitting at tables.

“What’s that for?” he asked someone walking past.

“The company arranged a meal for after your meeting,” she said. “A local restaurant closed for the day to come here.” She paused. “I think the chef and her staff were really excited about it,” she said, her voice trailing off at the end.

“Did anyone eat?” he asked.

“Um, I don’t think so,” she said.

He stood looking a few moments. Even from a distance, it was evident the catering staff was confused and disappointed.

“Come on,” he said to me. “We’re eating.”

And we did.

But he did more than just eat. He spent a few minutes talking to every–every–member of the staff. They knew who he was, and while some were initially shy, they quickly warmed up.

And why wouldn’t they? He complimented the food. He complimented the service. He joked and laughed. When we finished eating, he said, “We can’t let great food go to waste!” and borrowed two white coats so we could serve them. Then he made the rounds of the tables and happily leaned into all the selfies.

When we finally left, he waved and smiled.

They smiled bigger.

Sure, it took a lot of his time. Sure, it took him off point and off focus and off schedule.

Sure, they loved him for it.

I already knew the answer, but as we got in the car, I still asked. “I know your schedule,” I said. “You couldn’t stop to eat. Besides, no one else did, so no one would have noticed.”

“I felt bad for them,” he said. “They tried hard to do a good job, and everyone blew them off. How bad would that feel? So it was the least I could do.

“Maybe my staff thought they were too busy,” he continued. “Or maybe they thought they were too important. But maybe they are too self-absorbed to notice they hurt other people’s feelings.”

He thought for a few seconds. “And maybe they’re the wrong people for the job, ” he said.*

Much of the time, we want famous people to be so humble they don’t recognize there’s a fuss, a special buzz, that people are excited to see them. We want them to be oblivious to their fame or importance. (After all, if they’re too aware, that means they’re too full of themselves.)

But what we should really want is for famous or notable people to recognize that in the eyes of others, they are special–and that other people might want something from them, even if that something is the simple recognition that what they do matters.

Because it does.

Picture a CEO walking into a building for an important meeting. Maybe he says hello to the receptionist. (Maybe.) Otherwise, he only has time for the people at his level. It’s like no one else exists; they’re just unseen cogs in a giant machine.

Unfortunately, at times, we all do the same thing. We talk to the people we’re supposed to talk to. We recognize the people we’re supposed to recognize. We mesh with the cogs in the machine we’re expected to mesh with, but there are many other important cogs.

So go out of your way to smile to everyone. Or to nod. Or to introduce yourself.

And when someone does something that helps you, even in the smallest way and even if it’s their job, go out of your way to say thanks. Make it your mission to recognize the people behind the tasks: the people that support, that assist, that make everything possible.

Even though most of us aren’t famous or notable, by recognizing people–especially those who have been conditioned to not expect to be recognized–we add a little extra meaning and dignity to their lives.

And that’s the best reason to go off point, off focus, and off task.

Although, when you think about it, you really aren’t taking yourself away from an important task. You’re just shifting to an equally important task: showing people they matter–especially to you.

* Six months later, only three of the original 22 remained.

Original Article

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