Category Archives: Productivity
The Freelancer’s Guide to Time Management
By: Melanie Pinola Time management is a challenge for all of us, but we freelancers face a unique set of issues when it comes to making the most of our time. Not only are we juggling projects, we’re juggling … Continue reading
6 estupendas razones por las que deberías empezar el día antes de las 6 de la mañana
por Alberto Díaz Pinto el 19/03/2015 en Reflexión Ya lo decían los refranes “a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda”o “el pájaro madrugador consigue el gusano‚Äù. Las personas que persiguen el éxito normalmente lo consiguen. Todos sabemos que levantarse más temprano … Continue reading
How to Beat Procrastination with Daily Training
By Leo Babauta We all do it: our best intentions are to go to the gym, get started on writing something, do practice learning a language ‚Ķ but then we procrastinate. There isn‚’ a person on this planet who’s immune … Continue reading
Procrastination: 6 Strategies For Overcoming What’s Holding You Back
When we decide to make changes in our lives, one of the biggest obstacles we might need to overcome is procrastination. We all want to change (of course we do), yet we keep putting off the very steps that … Continue reading
Stress Management: 5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know
Whether it’s called stress management, relaxation training, or its newest incarnation, “Resiliancy,”it seems that the question of healthy response to the stress of daily life is on everyone’s mind. But it’s important to remember a few things about stress that … Continue reading
Gestión Del Estrés: 5 Curiosidades Que No Sabias
Llamarlo lo que quieras, “gestión del estrés‚Äù, “técnicas de relajación‚Äù, o su más reciente encarnación “Resiliencia”, parece que la cuestión de la sana respuesta a la presión del día-a-dia está en boca de todos. Pero es importante recordar un par … Continue reading
CreatiStorming: The Quick Guide to Finding Great New Ideas
Coming up with new and fantastic ideas is tough work. I know this first hand as I have to come up with new, fresh and interesting ideas every week to keep you, my valued reader, well stocked … Continue reading
CreatiStorming: La Guía Rápida Para Encontrar Ideas Creativas
Encontrar ideas nuevas y fantásticas es un trabajo enorme y difícil. Lo sé de primera mano porque todas las semanas tengo que encontrar ideas interesantes para que tu, mi querido lector, tengas consejos y trucos √∫tiles que hagan que … Continue reading
The Eisenhower Matrix: Effective Time Management for Everybody
“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.‚Äù Ok so, I’ve come across this great gem of a time management hack that is really helping me to my act together and my work organized. … Continue reading
El Matrix De Eisenhower: Mas Organización y Mas Productividad
” Lo que es importante es rara vez urgente y lo urgente es rara vez importante. “ Ok, me he encontrado con una gran joya de hack de productividad que realmente me está ayudando a organizarme y organizar todo el … Continue reading