5 Horrible Habits That Are Ruining Your Success

Yes, I’m telling you you have bad habits that are keeping you from getting what you want and living your life the way YOU want.

We all have bad habits. Some are relatively harmless but others can really be disastrous for your life but if you can recognize them, you can take action to change them.

So here they are, in all their horrible glory:

Lack of focus – Be a Camera and Focus!

You can have clearly laid out goals on the success you want to achieve, but if you do not have focus, you will soon sabotage your success. There are a lot of ‘business opportunities’ that will arrive in your inbox daily – most of which are scams, no matter how genuine and promising they sound. When you are starting your online business, you can also easily become overloaded with information. Well, in some cases the information overload can simply stop you from taking any action! The trick is to be focused. Have a list of your things to do everyday. Everyday, do something towards building your business.

Living in your comfort zone – Get out now!

This is the toxic failing that keeps a lot of people away from their dreams of becoming successful. I like the quote which says “Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure”. If you face a temporary setback on your quest towards success; learn from it, pick yourself up and soldier on towards your dreams. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success”.

Procrastination¬† – Yet another nasty one!

Taking action TODAY is the foundational key to all success. By procrastinating, you are missing chances to be the best you can be; to make money, and to be successful. Get rid of all the bad habits that waste your time, break down your tasks to small manageable bits, visualize the end result of your project – do all that you can to fight this deadly habit that can keep you away from your goals.

Not surrounding yourself with people more successful than you ‚Äì Find’em and hang with’em

Draw on inspiration and motivation from family and friends who are already where you want to be. Fortify yourself so that you’re immersed in an environment where success can grow from success. When you surround yourself with people, places and things that inspire you, you’ll feel encouraged.

Not assuming responsibility for your success or failure – This is the granddaddy of them all!

If you ask someone why they never succeeded in what they were trying to do, they will most likely tell you it was someone elseís fault, or something happened that was beyond their control. However if you compare that persons life against someone elseís life, you could probably find many examples of people who suffered under far worse conditions yet still became a success.

There they are. Now, There as many more bad habits as there are people in the world but these are, in my opinion, the biggest ones that are holding you back.
Breaking a bad habit is not easy.¬† Unless you truly understand the root of the problem, you won‚’ be able to devise a strategy to get rid of it. Like I said before, if you can recognize some or all of these in yourself, then you can take the necessary actions to change them. And if you can change them, you change your life for the better.


Check out some hints on how to change bad habits here.


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5 Hábitos Horribles Que Te Impiden Tener √âxito

Sí, te estoy diciendo que tienes malos hábitos que te impiden conseguir el éxito que te mereces y que te impiden vivir la vida a tu manera.

Todos tenemos malos hábitos. Algunos son relativamente inofensivas, pero otros pueden ser realmente desastroso para tu vida. Sin embargo, si los puedes reconocer, también puedes tomar medidas para cambiarlos.

Así que aquí están, en todo su horrible gloria:

La falta de enfoque ‚Äì Enfoca como un láser.

Posiblemente tengas tus objetivos claramente establecidos con respecto al éxito que deseas conseguir, pero si no tiene un claro enfoque, muy pronto sabotearás tus esfuerzos. Cuando se inicia el intento de conseguir una meta u objetivo, te puedes sobrecargar fácilmente de información. Y, en algunos casos, la sobrecarga de información te puede impide tomar acción alguna. El truco es estar bien orientados. Necesitas una lista de tareas que hacer todos los día y cada día, hay que hacer algo hacia la consecución de tu objetivo.

Permanecer en su zona de confort ‚Äì Sal de ahí ahora!

No te puedes imaginar lo tóxico que es esto y como detiene a mucha gente de alcanzar sus sueños de éxito. Me gusta la cita que dice “derrota no es el peor de los fracasos. Na haberlo intentado es el verdadero fracaso”. Si te encuentras con un contratiempo temporal en su b√∫squeda del éxito; levántate, aprende de ello y sigue hacia adelante. “Desarrollar el éxito de los fracasos. El desaliento y el fracaso son dos de los más seguros pasos hacia el éxito”.

Procrastinación – Otro desagradable!

Acción es la clave fundamental para todo tipo de éxito, sin lugar a duda. Siendo un espectador de la vida, estás perdiendo oportunidades para ser lo mejor que puedes ser, para ganar dinero, y para lograr tus mas grandes deseos. Deshazte de los malos hábitos que malgastan tu tiempo, crea tareas mas pequeñas y manejables, crea una imagen del resultado final de su proyecto en tu mente – haz todo lo posible para luchar contra este hábito mortal que te mantiene alejado de tus objetivos.

No rodearse con gente mas exitosa que tu – Busca los ya mismo

Busca la inspiración y la motivación de la familia y los amigos que ya están donde tu quieres estar. Establezca un entorno de colaboradores y amigos en el que el éxito puede crecer del éxito. Cuando te rodeas de gente, lugares y las cosas que te inspiran, te sentirás muy alentado.

No asumir la responsabilidad de tu éxito o tu fracaso – Este es el peor de todos!

Cuando se le pregunta a alguien por qué nunca logran lo que quieren, lo más probable es que te digan que fue culpa de otro, o que sucedió algo que estaba fuera de su control. Sin embargo, si comparas la vida de esa persona con las de otros, es probable que encontrarías muchos ejemplos de personas que han sufrido bajo condiciones mucho peores y a√∫n así alcanzaron el éxito que deseaban.

Pues ahí están. Ahora, hay tantos malos hábitos como hay personas en el mundo, pero en mi opinión, estos son los más horribles y los que te impedirán llegar al éxito que deseas.

Romper un mal hábito no es fácil. A menos que realmente entiendas la raíz del problema, si no, no serás capaz de elaborar una estrategia para deshacerse de ella.

Como he dicho antes, si puedes reconocer algunos o todos estos en ti mismo, puedes tomar las medidas necesarias para cambiar. Y si los puedes cambiar, cambiarás tu vida para siempre.

¿Que hábitos tienes que te impiden lograr lo que mas deseas? Deja un comentario



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31 No-Brainer Ways to Challenge Yourself Every Day


Read the original article

Staying fit means more than just hitting the gym. For a well-rounded approach to wellness, we partnered with Target C9 to bring you an entire month of easy ways to keep your mind and body in tip-top shape.

Don’t let yourself get stuck in a rut ‚Äî keep your brain active and in top shape with easy ways that keep your noggin stimulated. Just like your body, your brain needs a regular workout too. No need for expensive apps or discouraging tests ‚Äî these no-brainer ways to challenge yourself daily are actually pretty fun. Here are 31 smart ideas so you can make a big difference even in one month.

  1. Do a crossword puzzle: Sitting down with a crossword is a really smart way to encourage your brain to get thinking. You can find crossword puzzle apps for a quick fix, or do the one found in your local paper. Just remember they start out easy and get tougher during the week!
  2. Listen to the news in a different language: Instead of watching your regular news, turn to a foreign channel to find out what’s breaking. Your brain will be stimulated while listening to something different.
  3. Use your opposite hand: For a quick boost, try using your opposite hand while brushing your teeth or eating breakfast.
  4. Take the stairs: Give your body a shot of energy, and take the stairs. Just the basic coordination of walking up or down a flight of stairs gets your brain thinking.
  5. Have a conversation IRL instead of texting: Having a conversation is a skill, and doing it in person as often as possible encourages personal development and conversational skills. So stop texting, and have a real chat.
  6. Talk with a stranger: Along with talking to your favorite people, start up a conversation while waiting in line. You might feel a bit awkward at first, but chatting with people around you creates connections and builds your self-confidence.
  7. Take a picture every day: Encourage your creativity, and take a picture every day. From a quick snap of your commute to an artful picture of the sunset, challenging yourself to take one picture daily reminds you of all the things you’re grateful for.
  8. Give yourself an honest compliment: Look at yourself in the mirror, and say something nice. It’s a great way to build your confidence and develop inner happiness.
  9. Give someone you know an honest compliment: Just like complimenting yourself, give a friend some solid positive praise. You’ll feel great ‚Äî and so will someone else.
  10. Cook one meal daily: Even if you aren’t a master chef, cooking one meal daily is a great way to try something different and learn new skills.
  11. Draw a picture: Next time you find yourself with nothing to do, grab a pencil and start doodling. Sketch something you see around you, or create a unique logo for yourself. Drawing encourages the lesser-used right side of the brain, keeping things balanced in your noggin.
  12. Read a book: When’s the last time you took the time to read a book? Reading for fun keeps your head sharp ‚Äî and gives your imagination a chance to have some fun.
  13. Put down your phone: Yes, we all love our phones, but putting it down gives your brain a break. When you find yourself reaching for your phone to kill time or if you’re feeling uncomfortable when in the elevator with others, stop checking for texts, put down your phone, and make conversation with others.
  14. Make eye contact while walking on the street: OK, if you’re walking and looking at your phone, you really need to stash it away! Instead of potentially running into someone, make eye contact while walking on the street. And, hey, a smile doesn’t hurt either.
  15. Write in a journal: Keeping a daily journal is a great way to keep track of accomplishments and document frustrations. Writing is a great challenge for your brain and helps keeps your mental state in a good way.
  16. Answer questions honestly: Yes, we all tell white lies here and there, but telling the truth is a quality we should all strive for.
  17. Don’t complain: Ranting and raving about stuff builds drama and is also a sign of weakness. Instead of sharing complaints with others, write them down. You’ll feel instantly better without being labeled as a downer.
  18. Set a daily goal: From drinking eight glasses of water to striking up a conversation with your crush, set a goal for yourself daily and reach for it. You’ll feel awesome once you have accomplished it!
  19. Do things by hand: We have so many shortcuts that make our lives easier, but doing things by hand, such as fixing a busted hem or ironing, keeps your brain active in a way it might not be used to. And you might pick up a new skill or two!
  20. Push yourself harder: Yesterday you hit your daily goal, so today push yourself a little bit harder.
  21. Get over one fear: Afraid of spiders? Spend some time researching the little critters, and get over your fear. Being brave is awesome.
  22. Smile even if you’re not feeling it: Smiling actually releases endorphins that instantly elevate your mood. And learning how to turn that frown upside down is a great skill.
  23. Quit a bad habit: Bite your nails? Still sneaking smokes? Quitting a bad habit is a true challenge for your brain.
  24. Study something you’re interested in: Always intrigued with ancient Rome? Dedicate a certain amount of time daily or weekly to study a topic of intrigue.
  25. Tackle chores: No one wants to tackle chores first thing in the morning, but if you take care of one item on your to-do list first thing, you’ll have more time to relax at the end of the day.
  26. Walk the line: Really, literally. Balancing is great for mind-body connection and coordination, so walk the line of the sidewalk or balance along the curb, and you’re boosting your brain.
  27. Meditate: Spending some time on your own meditating is a smart way to give your brain a break and recharge.
  28. Play a board game with friends: Board games are anything but boring when you play with friends. And getting together to play is a social way to keep your brain active and have fun.
  29. Play an instrument: Learning how to play an instrument or making time to play one you love hones your hand-eye coordination and relieves stress. And playing and listening to music actually stimulates your brain and increases memory.
  30. Turn off the TV: That’s right. Turn off the TV, and get outdoors. Television is totally entertaining, but watching hours upon hours turns brains into mush. Challenge yourself to watch less television and read more ‚Äî or invite your friends over for an exciting game of Pictionary.
  31. Exercise: Along with staying physically fit, working out is a stimulating way to keep your brain in shape. Commit to a weekly workout plan, and you’ll love the results.


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Deskercise! 33 Smart Ways to Exercise at Work

Remember the days when “work”meant manual labor with a side of blood, sweat, and tears? Neither do we. These days it seems we’re more likely to log hour after idle hour with our bums glued to our seats. And while you may be an Excel champ by day and gym rat by night, recent research suggests that the recommended¬†30 minutes of cardio five times per week may not undo the health risks¬†of a sedentary lifestyle [1].

So what’s a worker chained to his or her desk to do? Luckily short bouts of aerobics, strength exercises, and stretching in between conference calls and Gchats can help improve fitness levels and heart health¬†[2]. While these deskercises, or desk exercises for the cubicle-bound, won‚’ promise Olympic mile times or six-pack abs, they might just improve strength and burn a few extra calories to boot. So whether it’s Powerpoint, Photoshop, or emails on that to-do list, we’ve got 33 sneaky exercises for a healthier (and happier!) workday.


How to Exercise at Work: The Stair Master

1. The Twinkle Toe: Tap into your inner Fred Astaire by speedily tapping those toes on the floor under your desk. Or graduate to a harder (and less inconspicuous) move: Stand in front of a small trashcan and lift up those legs to tap the toes on its edge, alternating feet, in soccer-drill fashion.

2. The Stair Master: Want to avoid elevator small talk in favor of elevating the heart rate? Take the stairs! Accelerate on the straight-aways and take two at a time every other flight for a real leg burn.

3. The Slog, Then Jog: Instead of slogging away for hours nonstop, take a mini break for a stationary jog. Pop up from your chair (admire the butt imprint left behind!) and jog in place. Willing to huff and puff a little more? Pick up those knees! Continue for one minute, return to spreadsheets, and repeat.

4. The Celebratory Split Squat Jumps: Win over a new client? Figure out how to un-jam the printer? Is it finally Friday?! Celebrate with the split squat jump. With feet hip-width apart, step the left leg back two feet and balance on the ball of the foot. Next, lower into a lunge, and then accelerate upwards in an explosion of celebration. While in the air, switch feet so that the left foot is planted firmly in front and the right leg is now behind. Repeat 10-12 times on each side.

5. The Cubicle Wanderer: Walking during work is totally underrated [3]. Take a stroll down the hall to catch up with coworkers or welcome a new employee. Or, instead of dialing extensions and sending lazy emails to the manager two doors down, put in some face time. Just beware of tempting candy jars when making the rounds.

6. The Mover and Shaker: There’s nothing wrong with a brief spaz sesh. Release stress and spark some energy with a quick bout of seated dancing when no one is looking! Salsa anyone?

Legs and Butt

How to Exercise at Work: The Last Man Standing

7. The Wall (Street) Sit: Wall sits are great for building strength and endurance. Standing with your back against the wall, bend the knees and slide your back down the wall until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Sit and hold for 30-60 seconds (or up to 12 hours, the world record!), while browsing the Wall Street Journal (or Buzzfeed). For some extra burn, try crossing the right ankle over the left knee, hold for 15 seconds, then switch!

8. The Last Man Standing: Sure,¬†standing around isn‚’ exactly traditional exercise, but research shows it’s got more than a leg up on sitting. After all, long periods of sitting are linked to increased risk for diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, whereas standing significantly increases your daily caloric expenditure [4] [5] [6]. Stand whenever you can, and consider roping in other coworkers to have standing meetings too!

9. The Patient Printer:The boss lady just requested that a 200-page presentation be printed “perfectly.”Why lackadaisically stand by the printing pages when you could be sculpting your calves with calf raises? Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, press up onto the tippy toes, pause at the top, then lower back down. Repeat for three sets of 12-15 reps, or until the printing, faxing, or scanning is done. Ready to level up? Try raising only one leg at a time.

10. The Silent Seat Squeeze: Believe it or not, some deskercises can be kept under wraps, and this isometric glutes exercise is one of them. To start toning, simply squeeze the buttocks, hold for 5-10 seconds, and release. Repeat until the agenda wraps up or the glutes tire. The results will be uplifting in more ways than one.

11. The Seated Leg Raiser: When pay raises are nowhere to be seen, consider the leg raise. (Bonus: they’re hardly noticeable underneath the desk!) While seated, straighten one or both legs and hold in place for five or more seconds. Then lower the leg(s) back to the ground without letting the feet touch the floor. Repeat (alternating legs if raising them separately) for 15 reps. Underwhelmed? Loop a purse or briefcase strap over the ankle for added weight, or for more of an abs workout, add a crunch.

12. The Desk Squat: Mastered the art of standing around? Add a squat! Start standing with feet together (and the desk chair pushed out of the way). Bend the knees slightly so the thighs are almost parallel to the ground, as if sitting in a chair. As you bend, raise the arms straight up or towards the computer screen. Keep the knees together and aligned. Hold for 15 seconds and release. Repeat for 4-6 reps.

13. The Lunch Break Hammy: Strengthen the hamstrings with this standing leg curl. Stand behind your chair and hold onto it for support. Gently kick one foot back, aiming the heel for the top of your thigh. Lower the foot back down and repeat exercise with the other leg. Do 10 reps, take a bite of your lunchtime sandwich, and then do 10 more.

14. The Grim Reamer: Scope out the office for a ream of paper, or a sealed package of printing paper. While seated, place the stack in between the knees and press legs inward, engaging the inner thighs. Continue squeezing the paper ream in place for 30-60 seconds while sorting through the morning’s flood of emails. (Now that’s multitasking!)

Shoulders and Arms

How to Exercise at Work: The Stapler Curl

15. The Cubicle Dip: Triceps dips can be done almost anywhere, including a cubicle. Using a sturdy desk or a non-rolling chair, sit at the very edge and place hands on either side of the body while gripping the chair’s edge. With the feet planted on the floor a step or two away from the desk or chair, straighten up the arms to lift up the body. Next, bend the arms to reach a 90-degree angle so that your body dips down, hold, and re-straighten while keeping the body raised above the chair. Complete 8-10 reps.

16. The Stapler Curl: Trusty staplers are always guarded closely, especially the¬†red ones. Seated or standing, take the stapler in one hand with the palm facing upwards. Starting at the thighs, bend the elbow and curl the arm up towards the chest, just like a regular dumbbell¬†biceps curl. Pause momentarily and then lower the stapler back down. Continue for 12-15 reps, then switch. Don‚’ have a weighty stapler? Try using a filled water bottle or a heavy change purse (the vending machine can wait!).

17. The Namaste: Whether you’re praying for a project extension or for more defined arms, this move has you covered. Seated upright with feet flat on the floor, bring the palms together in front of the chest and push both hands together powerfully until you feel the arm muscles contract. Hold the prayer hands pushed together for 20 seconds. Release and repeat the sequence until you feel a little more zen.

18. The Secret Handshake:Let’s make a deal. Sitting up and with feet flat on the floor, clasp hands together as if giving yourself a handshake (with one hand’s thumb pointing to the floor and the other pointing to the ceiling). Then pull! Resist the motion of both arms (you should definitely feel this in those biceps). Hold for 10 seconds or more, release, and repeat.

19. The Fist Pump: Received approval from the head honcho for extra vacation days? Time to rock out to that Bruce Springsteen playlist while simultaneously toning the arms. Fist punch into the air like a champ (alternating arms, of course), and continue for 60 seconds or more—or until you realize the boss is right behind you.

20. The Knuckle Sandwich: So the big cheese said no to the promotion and returned your project covered in red ink. To relieve frustration and get a fab arm fix, try shadow boxing to the perfect boxing playlist. Stand (if you can) and throw out a few jabs, hooks, and uppercuts in rapid succession (just watch out for computers and coworkers!). Continue for a minute or longer to blow off steam and tone the arms, chest, and core.

21. The Flapper: Whether you’ve got a thing for the 1920s or enjoy mimicking penguins, this move is for you. Standing with arms by your sides and palms facing behind, pulse the arms backward for 5 seconds. Release and repeat for 12-15 reps. For best results, make sure to keep the arms long and straight!

22. The Casual Lean: Waiting in the hall for a meeting to start? Perfect time to nonchalantly work out the upper arms! Casually lean against the nearest wall, supporting your body with the forearm only. Now lean into the wall until the upper arm almost touches it, and then push back out. Repeat for 15 reps or until the meeting gets underway.

23. The Lumberjack: While this lumberjack may be wearing slacks instead of plaid, he can still get a good midday workout. Stand and clasp the hands together, resting them on the right shoulder as if holding an axe. Gently swing the imaginary “axe‚Äù by straightening the elbows and moving the hands toward the left thigh. Next, bring the clasped hands to the left shoulder followed by a swing to right thigh. Repeat 15 times on each side, or until all office plants have been hacked down.

24. The Office Genie: Want to add a little magic to the workday? Raise the legs into a criss-cross applesauce position while seated in a chair. With your hands on the armrests, push upwards to raise the body off the seat and remain floating for 10-20 seconds. After granting a few wishes, release back down to the chair, rest for a minute, and repeat. Craving more magic? Try this balancing act while in a chair that spins.

Chest, Back, and Neck

How to Exercise at Work: The Shoulder Shrug

25. The Pencil Pinch: Lose the pencil behind the ear. The really suave workers hold it in between their shoulder blades! Show off your traps by rolling back the shoulders until the shoulder blades are pinched together. Pretend you’re holding a pencil between the scapulas (or try it for real!). Hold for 5-10 seconds, release, and repeat for 12-15 reps.

26. The Shoulder Shrug: Not recommended for board meetings (unless you’re really on the fence). Simply raise both shoulders up toward the ears, hold for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat for 15 reps. Feeling unstoppable? Try advanced shoulder shrugs while standing and holding a paper ream in each hand.

27. The Pinstripe Push-Up: This slightly modified wall push-up is more suitable for suits. Standing one to two feet from a sturdy wall (not a cubicle divider!), lean forward until palms are flush against the wall, with arms straight and parallel to the ground. Next, bend the elbows to bring the body towards the wall, hold for two seconds, then push back to the starting position. Complete 12-15 reps.

28. The Nape Shaper: Turtleneck season is over‚Äîit’s time to tone that neck! For the first isometric neck strengthening trick, put your head in your hands as if exasperated by the workday (you may already be in this position), and press your palms into your forehead as if trying to push the head backward. Resist the motion by engaging the neck muscles. Next, clasp the hands behind the back of the head and try to push the head backward, resisting the motion with your hands. Hold each deskercise for 5 seconds, or until The Evolution of Ryan Gosling has finally loaded. Slowly release, rest, and repeat 5 times each.


How to Exercise at Work: The Desk Chair Wheel

29. The Desk Chair Swivel: Lucky enough to have a fun swivel chair? Use its twirl to your advantage with this oblique abs fix. Sitting upright and with the feet hovering over the floor, hold the edge of your desk with your fingers and thumb. Next, use the core to swivel the chair from side to side. Swish back and forth for 15 rounds.

30. The “Weeee”Desk Chair Wheel: Go ahead, play with your wheelie chair (everyone wants to!). While seated in a chair with wheels, position yourself at arm’s length from a desk or table and grasp its edge with your hands.¬†Next, engage the core, raise the feet slightly off the ground, and pull with your arms until the chair slowly rolls forward and your chest touches the desk’s edge. Then roll back by pushing away, with the feet still raised. Repeat 20 times, or until you burn holes into the carpet.

31. The Posture Perfecter: Perfect posture is a must for long days at the desk. Practice safe desk ergonomics by adjusting the chair height to make sure the feet, hips, and arms are at 90-degree angles to the floor. Engage the core to keep the back straight throughout the day. No slouching allowed!

32. The Fab Abs Squeeze: Another silent deskercise, this one can be covertly executed when walking down the hall or seated during a call. Simply take a deep breath and tighten the abdominal muscles, bringing them in towards the spine as you exhale. Stay squeezed for 5-10 seconds and release. Repeat for 12-15 reps.

33. The “Crunch Time”Crunch: The deadlines are looming, as are hopes for a six-pack by summer. (And maybe a six-pack of Corona, too.) While most jobs don‚’ condone in-office boozing, you can get the other six-pack with some seated isometric crunches. With both elbows on the thighs, try to curl the chest in towards the legs while resisting the movement with the arms. Hold for 10 seconds, release, and repeat times 10.

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7 Habitos Fáciles De Adoptar Que Te Harán Mas Inteligente


Imagine que fueses un 15% más inteligente de lo que eres ahora. ¿Cómo sería tu vida?

¿Qué te gustaría ser capaz de hacer o lograr que no puedes hacer o lograr ahora?

Esta semana te voy a dar 7 hábitos que puedes adoptar fácilmente hoy mismo, para mejorar su QI (Coeficiente Intelectual).

1. Hacer una lista¬† “He Terminado”

Al terminar tareas, nuestro cerebro guarda la información de como lo pudimos terminar para poder usarlo en otra circunstancia ayudandonos a terminar mas y mas tareas. Lo mismo no pasa cuando dejamos cosas sin terminar.

2. Encontrar a personas que son más inteligentes que tu y pasa mas tiempo con ellos

Este punto es bastante obvio. Cuando nos rodeamos de personas mas inteligentes que nosotros es inevitable adquirir algunos de los conocimientos o habilidades que tienen. También nos ayuda a abrir nuestro mundo y la visión que tenemos de el.

3. Crea dos listas: una lista de habilidades relacionadas con el trabajo que deseas aprender ahora y una lista de las cosas que deseas lograr en el futuro

Parece que soy el tonto de las listas pero me han ayudado tanto que quiero que todo el mundo descubra su utilidad. En este caso, el incremento de QI no es directo sino un efecto secundario. Cuando empiezas a estudiar las habilidades necesarias para mejor en tu trabajo, adquieres conocimientos y habilidades que no tenias antes. A lo largo del tiempo, te puedes convertir un experto en tu área de trabajo.

4. En lugar de ver la tele, intenta ver algo educativo

De verdad te lo tengo que explicar??? Cuando ves la tele, te conviertes en pasivo y adquieres pocos conocimientos. Por lo menos ve algo que te puede aportar algo nuevo.

5. Apunta todo lo que aprendes

Este es una de esas cosas que es difícil pero que aporta tanto que merece la pena. Yo soy fiel creyente en que cuando lo escribes, te acuerdas de ello mucho mas. De todos, este es el que mas me a ayudado!

6. Leer algo informativo a diario

Lo mismo que la tele. Lee algo que te puede aportar algo nuevo (ej. Este Blog!), alg√∫n conocimiento o habilidad que no tenias antes. Leer ejercita el cerebro y la imaginación.

7. Estudia cosas que están un poco por encima de tus conocimientos

Busca superarte todos los días. El crecimiento personal y profesional, la adquisición de nuevas habilidades y en definitiva, ser mas inteligente ocurre fuera de tu zona de confort. Todo esto depende de que salgas de esa zona gris para poder experimentar cosas y sensaciones nuevas que amplían tus conocimientos, tu cultura y por supuesto, tu mundo.

Pues, ahí los tienes. 7 cosas que puedes hacer hoy mismo para aumentar tu QI (Coeficiente Intelectual). A veces, lo mas simple y sencillo es lo que mejor funciona. Yo las he implementado todas y me han ayudado tremendamente.

Prueba durante 30 días y ¬†dime que tal os ha ido.


Un saludo!!


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7 Easy To Adopt Habits To Make You Smarter

Imagine that you were, say 15% smarter than you are now. What would your life be like?

What would you be able to do or achieve that you can’t do now?

In this weeks tip of the week, I give you 7 habits that you can easily adopt today, to help improve your IQ.

1. Make an “I Finished” list

When we complete a task, our brain saves the information on how we were able to finish and how we can that info in another situation, helping us to complete more and more tasks. The same thing DOES NOT happen when we leave things unfinished.

2. Find people who are smarter than you and hang out with them more

This point it is fairly obvious. When we are surrounded by people more intelligent than us, it is inevitable that we acquire some of the knowledge or skills they have. It also helps us to open up our world and the vision we have of it.

3. Make two other lists: a list of work-related skills you want to learn now and a list for things you want to achieve in the future

It¬¥s like I’m 1-800-LISTS, but they have helped me so much over the years that I want everyone in the world to discover their usefulness. In this case, the increase in IQ isn’t direct but a side effect. When you start to explore the necessary skills to get better in your job, you acquire knowledge and skills that you didn’t have before. Over time, you convert yourself in an expert in your area.

4. Instead of watching TV, try watching something educational

Do I really have to explain this??? When you watch TV, you become passive and acquire little knowledge. At least if you’re going to watch TV, watch something that you can learn from.

5. Write down what you learn, when you learn something new

This is one of those things that is difficult, I know, but it really is worth the effort. I am a firm believer that when you write something down, you WILL remember it much better. Of them all, this is the one that has helped me the most!

6. Read something informative everyday

This is the same as TV. Read something that you can bring something new (e.g.¬† This Blog! ) to the table, some new knowledge or skill that you didn’t have before. Reading exercises the brain and the imagination.

7. Studying things that are a little above your knowledge

Look to get out of your comfort zone as often as possible. Personal and professional growth, the acquisition of new skills and, ultimately, being more intelligent occurs outside of your comfort zone. This all depends on you coming out of that nasty gray area in order to experience new things and new sensations that expand your knowledge, your culture and of course, your world.

There you go, 7 things you can do today to increase your IQ.  Sometimes, the simplest and easiest things are what work best. At some point or another, I have implemented all of them and have they helped me tremendously.

Try them out for 30 days and let me know how it goes!


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The 3 Keys to Success: What You Need To Know To Be More Successfull

Over the last few days I read (and participated in) a very interesting discussion on what qualities were necessary for success. There was talk of several, among them: attitude, perseverance, patience, humility, etc. I agree in principle that all of these virtues can be part of someone’s of success and they can even facilitate the work of achieving it, however, I think we can delve deeper and go straight to the essence of what it takes to have all the success you want.

First, let’s define what is the success, according to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language:


(From lat. exĭtus outlet).

  1. M. Successful outcome of a business, performance, etc.
  2. m. Good acceptance that has someone or something.
  3. M p us. Order or termination of a business or subject

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I like this definition, but I think it falls a little short because the focus is directed to business. I think we should include the results over the course of one’s personal life. Also, I believe that each one should define exactly what it means to be “successful” for them. It is likely that what I would regard as success, you might not or vice versa.

What’s more, someone could be successful in their business but be a failure in their personal life. How many times have we seen someone famous that seems to have “have it all” professionally, then their personal life is a disaster? Once again, here we would have to see how to measure “disaster”.¬† What do you consider being a disaster? And if they don’t consider themselves a disaster, are they?

Well, one of the participants of the discussion considers that there are three main virtues necessary for success: attitude, patience and humility.

We should first define each one of them to see how to fit them into the definition of success :


(From lat. * Actit≈´do).

  1. F. Position of the human body, especially when it is determined by the movements of the spirit, or expresses something with effectiveness. Graceful attitude, imposing. The attitudes of a speaker, or an actor.
  2. F. Position of an animal when for some reason draws attention.
  3. F. Moods expressed in some way. Benevolent attitude, peaceful, menacing, an individual, a party, a government.

I love the part “moods expressed in some way” and fits perfectly with my perception of what “attitude” is.¬† How does it fit into your vision?


(From lat. patientĭa).

  1. F. Ability to suffer or endure something without be altered.
  2. F. Ability to do heavy things or thorough.
  3. F. Faculty to learn to wait when something you want to much.
  4. F. Slow to do something.
  5. F. Tolerance or consent in decline of the honor.

The word patience and this very definition give me the feeling of passivity. I’m not one for passivity except for in very special circumstances.


(From lat. humilĭtas, -ātis).

  1. F. Virtue that consists in the knowledge of one’s own limitations and weaknesses and acting in accordance with this knowledge.
  2. F. Lowness of birth or of any other species.
  3. F. Submission, performance.

Another one that I like very much, “act in accordance with this knowledge”.¬† It fits perfectly in my vision of “humility”.¬† As most of you already know, I am a big practitioner and proponent of mindfulness. The benefits are extraordinary.

Well, I completely agree that the attitude is critical to your success, whatever your definition of this. In fact I think it is probable the most necessary characteristic there is and the one which we can control the most.

However I don’t know if patience is sine qua non for success. From my point of view, success (defines as you see fit) can be achieved with a good attitude and with more or less patience.

However, I am convinced that success cannot be achieved with only patience. Let me give you an example: Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook is not particularly known for his patience, and let’s not even talk about Steve Jobs. Having said that, once a certain degree of success is attained, I think that with the passage of time patience can be ¬†developed and almost always is.

Concerning humility, we would have to define what humility means to each one of us. I have another example: Michael Jordan (there are many more examples like him). Any one who knows him, knows that¬†he is the most humble in the person in the world in the strictest sense of the word. However, there are few people in the world that wouldn’t consider him someone who has attained a certain degree of success.¬†Therefore, I don’t know if humility is more an ideal of what we would like to see in someone successful or if it really is a characteristic necessary for success. What do you think?

Someone that I follow assiduously, Aruca Gómez, added several more virtues to the discussion and¬†I could not agree with her more!

Again, we are going to define both according to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language:

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(From lat. perseverāre).

  1. Intr. Kept constant in the pursuit of what is begun, in an attitude or an opinion.
  2. Intr. Last permanently or for a long time.

Amazing definition that fits me perfectly and almost defines my entire life!


In the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy the concept of proactivity does not appear!

So I’ll give you my definition of it. In my view, being proactive is a virtue that moves us to action. Or, in other words, of getting caught behind the 8-ball, we take the bull by the horns and steer it to where we want to go.

Great! So how do I see success?

I see the success, in its essence, as a compendium of the following three virtues, which in my view are indispensable:

  1. Attitude
  2. Proactivity
  3. Perseverance

Without a ‘winning’ attitude you will never get anywhere. Period! For me, attitude is the single most important characteristic you can cultivate to achieve what you want most in life. Without a doubt! Observe and study people who you think you are successful and you’ll see that the most remarkable thing about them is their attitude toward life or their profession or towards anything they are confronted with.

After attitude comes proactiveness. You might have a great attitude, but if you don’t do anything to get what you want, then you’ll never get anywhere! Even with the lottery you have to go buy the ticket. I guarantee you don’t know anyone who is successful who is not proactive.

And finally, even if you have a very good attitude and you’re very proactive, if you give up when the going gets tough, you’ll never have the success you want most. Remember not to confuse patience with perseverance. They are not the same.

For me, Thomas Edison perfectly embodies these three virtues. In everything that he “tried” his attitude always stayed the same “Yes I can”.

As soon as he had a new idea or he discovered a new idea, the first thing he did was to see how it could be adapted for the good of everyone.

Once he decided that this is what he was going to do, there was nothing in the world, except for idea not being useful to serve and to give value to the community, that you could stop him from achieving success.

And millions of people throughout history have achieved “success” by leveraging these three traits. ¬†So go out now and studying the greats and you’ll see that these are three qualities that have led them to the promised land.

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CreatiStorming: The Quick Guide to Finding Great New Ideas




Coming up with new and fantastic ideas is tough work.

I know this first hand as I have to come up with new, fresh and interesting ideas every week to keep you, my valued reader, well stocked with useful tips and tricks that make your day just a little bit easier.

So this week, I thought I would share with you my technique for finding creative ideas fast and with the least amount of effort possible.

I like to call it “CreatiStorming‚Äù

Day 1 ‚Äì I say “day”but it could be an hour, 3 hours or ten minutes. You just need to take a break and look at the ideas through a fresh pair of eyes.

Write down all of the craziest ideas you can think of. I call these “Fringe Ideas‚Äù. All we want is crazy ideas, nothing that you think feasible.

If you can’t think of anything, write down all of the things you don’t want. You often know what you don’t want or don’t consider “good”before you know what you really want.


Day 2

  1. Revise the ideas from the day before
  2. Rank those ideas from 1-10 in how confident you are in each idea.
  3. If those are 6 and above, then rank them 1-10 in terms of feasibility, if not toss them aside

By this point, you should already becoming up with much better ideas. Write them down! And continue to rank them on the 1-10 scale for confidence and then feasibility.

Now, I usually run through this process through mind-mapping but you can do it anyway you like: Make and outline, scribble on paper, a napkin or whatever but just make sure you write all the ideas down somewhere.

Also, it is critical to rank those ideas by confidence and then by feasibility as otherwise you’ll run into a second problem; How to decide which is the good idea(s).

There you have it folks! It’s that easy. I know, I know you think this will never work cuz it’s soooo simple but give it a try just once. You might be surprised!

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CreatiStorming: La Guía Rápida Para Encontrar Ideas Creativas


Encontrar ideas nuevas y fantásticas es un trabajo enorme y difícil.

Lo sé de primera mano porque todas las semanas tengo que encontrar ideas interesantes para que tu, mi querido lector, tengas consejos y trucos √∫tiles que hagan que tu día a día se un poco más llevadero y fácil.
Así que esta semana, que me pareció buena idea compartir con contigo mi técnica para encontrar ideas creativas rápidamente y con el menor esfuerzo posible.

Me gusta llamarlo “CreatiStorming

Día 1 – digo “día” pero puede ser una hora, 3 horas o diez minutos. Sólo tienes que descansar un poco.

Anote todas las ideas más disparatadas que se te ocurran. Yo las llamo ideas “marginales”.¬† Lo √∫nico que queremos son ideas “locas‚Äù, de momento no queremos ideas “buenas‚Äù.

Si no se te ocurre nada, anote todas las cosas que no quieres. A menudo sabemos lo que no queremos o lo que no consideramos “bueno” antes de saber lo que realmente deseamos.


Día 2

  1. Revisar las ideas del día anterior

  2. Después, clasifica las ideas de 1-10 en el grado de confianza que tienes en cada idea.

  3. Si estos son superiores a 6, entonces clasificarlas del 1-10 en términos de viabilidad, si no nos valen.

Llegados a este punto, se te deberían ir ocurriendo ideas mas. Ap√∫ntalos y sigue clasificándolas del 1-10 en confianza y, a continuación, viabilidad.

Ahora bien, normalmente realizo este proceso a través del “mind-mapping”o “mapas mentales”pero se puede hacer de cualquier forma que te vaya bien: Hacer un esquema, garabatos en un folio, en una servilleta o lo que sea pero aseg√∫rese de escribir TODAS las ideas en alg√∫n lugar.

Además, es crítico clasificar las ideas por confianza y, a continuación, por factibilidad, de lo contrario tendrá un segundo problema; Como decidir cual es la idea(s) buena.

Siempre es √∫til saber como sacar todas esas ideas merodeando en nuestra cabeza para ser mas creativos y mas productivos.

Pues ahi lo tienes, mi sistema super sencillo para ser mas creativo.


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TED Talks: Why We Make Bad Decisions


Dan Gilbert presents research and data from his exploration of happiness — sharing some surprising tests and experiments that you can also try on yourself. Watch through to the end for a sparkling Q&A with some familiar TED faces.

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